Featured Generations

"can you make a cmdr invisible command script to go under 'invisServer' with admin permission level on roblox"


"rain red bricks from the air forever super fast that turns black when they touch the ground. 2 seconds after touching the ground it explodes into 6 0.1x0.1 size blocks"


"create a script that gives a player 1 random item from a folder in serverstorage called ToolsFolder when a player right clicks on a part called Chest"


"make a left cllck drag script where you can drag anything thats un anchord"




"when i hold in a unanchared block i can controll the block"


"Create a vote kick script in a serverscript. Yes, no buttons and text label are placed at game.StarterGui.VoteKickGui.Frame The vote kick should end when all the players voted or after 5 seconds."


"Create a script that plays an animation for another player if I click on the player. The animation ID is 1"


"add prints so you know how many more seconds are left in rounds"


"make a clean script that will kick the user from the game whenever they type "ez" or "in chat"


"Set a players camera to a specific part when it is touched"


"Neo Soccer League Script GUI Hack (AIMBOT, AUTO GOAL, BALL SIZE, AND MORE"


"make a block that shares your roblox screen (only in game)"


"Create an artificial intelligence for a model of a creature. She chases and kills nearby players. Plus she dodges and jumps from obstacles! Make a complex, complete and error-free script."


"If the player moves kick them where does it go"


"make the parent part kill the player when they touch it if they are between Stage 106 and 209, don't kill the player if they have the carpet gamepass"


"make all parts but humanoids and players give the value of the value inside of the part when its destroyed when touching the part then destroy the part also make all lime green parts get affected by this script also give the amount of money in the value into leaderstats money value and use int value"


"instead of being visible i want it do be invisible"


"make a gui"


"write a script where clicking a specific key bind makes gravity switch and tell me where the script goes"




"create a battle system so when i walk up to a npc it starts a battle"


"make a script that makes you move to the most close player using path finding"


"script for chess board as a GUI, and add little circled on specific spaces where pawns would go and make it that I can move them one spot as they are adjustable"


"your misunderstanding, i have a animation event inside Those animations and i want it to detect when the animation event is triggered"


"print hello world"


"script for 4 different sets of teleporters in a folder called "Teleports" with the option to make them one-way. add detailed comments, explanation and instructions."


"make a roblox script where when a player is within 20 studs of my my Part called Baseplate they will get my Tool called a ClassicSword and my ClassicSword is in ReplicatedStorage make this with instructions"


"make it so if i say play in chat then put a roblox music id. It makes a mouth on my character removes my face and visualizes the id."


"make a roblox script where if u touch this wall it destroys it"


"Can u make jumping too?"


"make a gui that shares your own screen"


"Make a button that teleports a player to a new place, as if its from a lobby to a server"


"Create a script that chats welcome new players in chat"


"if the gui is deleted and the function is ran again the gui doesnt clone although note isnt in player gui"


"make a maze using a script with a minimum of 50 walls, and after that generate a script that makes these walls generate randomly as a maze when playing"


"Create me a script to save usernames of the players when join the game in database and after that print all the usernames store in the database. The database name is onlyusernames"


"if players reach 1,000,000,000 Money it will stop it from going higher than that and with Kampfkarren DataStore2 with clear instructions"


"create a roblox script with 1 local and 1 server script, that when using the parent tool, it will make a barrier that will always face the player, and when holding the mouse, you will be able to move it. when scrolling up or down, the barrier will go foward or backwards"


"Loop bey going to another bey if they hit break loop"


"make a random amount of parts in the game in a folder named explode randomly change transparency from random 1 or 0 every frame and the decals change transperancy by getting the decals in each part and changing it random 1 or 0 also dont add any new decals cuz the decals are in the parts already"


"create an inventory system that"


"How can I make it so animations will be shown to everyone on an NPC and how where do I place it inside it"


"a textButton that moves around with me using arrow keys"


"make all players fling when a player clicks a ui button and buys a developer product"


"part with a working suction"


"Create a system that makes the character able to move their head based on the direction that the camera is rotated to with a limited angle in degrees."


"Can you write code that turns all players green on execute and is visible to all players?"


"make a server script that when executed puts a hint.txt that says anti K00Pkid V11 loaded!"


"rain red bricks from the air forever super fast that turns black when they touch the ground. 2 seconds after touching the ground it launches 6 0.1x0.1 size blocks every direction"


"create a script inside a text label located inside a screen gui that will become visible and make a sound when players Lvl up"


"create a command chat system with 4 random commands"


"make me an script for i put giant blocks that all the players can see it"


"make a script after 120 seconds in the game, the npc Zombie 3 will start being cloned and the clones will appear on the "Zombie spawner 3" each 2 seconds."


"Make me a script where I can change the angle of my screen up and down. I can use the keybinds f and g to switch the angles 5 and -5. Then make that script to be able to be used in football games."


"create a votekick script"


"a button that tweens around map and changes size and position every time clicked"


"make the part go up and down"


"make the model shake, fall, disappear and reset, 2 seconds after the player stands on it. add detailed comments, explanation and instructions."


"Make a script that makes a system for Money, and have it show on screen."


"when a player equips a tool named Broom then the Screen GUI named Trash pops up with the text labels thats inside of screen gui. but if the player unequips broom then the screengui disappears making sure the screen gui is invisible when player spawns"


"hello world"


"when ad somnum is said the person who said it will fall down and there screen will blur for 10 seconds"


"make a shift to sprint that when you hold shift you run but when you un hold it you stop running"


"create me a gui button and when clicked shows an input box and when you input a music id it will start playing music from your music id and add a hide button"


"make an implemented camera and make any other gui in the game invisible while the implemented camera is there except for a working play button"


"make a script where when Harlandroblox says !open it will bring a gui on his screen with a list of all the players names in the game and if Harlandroblox clicks one of the names the player will explode it will show Harlandrobloxs name to"


"create a shop gui for the owner and has Roblox gear id's and has a close button and open button and also needs the creator id"


"Make a leaderstats that has kills and deaths"


"create a script inside a frame that will create a text in the middle of the frame saying "Teleporting" like a loading screen."


"make 2 parts inside a model that the script is inside of teleport the player from one to onother teleporter after a 5 second cooldown after teleporting also the 2 parts are named Teleporter1 And Teleporter2"


"make a random amount of parts in the game in a folder named explode explode randomly every 0.5 to 2 seconds and when exploding then turn the material to corroded metal and change the brickcolor to orange"


"make a roblox script where you will move to the most close person using path finding then once your near them you will click left click auto automatically but if they get too far stop but if you get close continue"


"find the problem in this, if you do give me a fix"


"make me a script where if players say hi in chat they die"


"How to make the camera go through the part without the person going through the part"


"create a code that makes the player stretch their arms like pistol punches and make it do damage, when they press the left mouse button"


"a working gun script for a tool where if I click left mouse button it fires a bullet, it doesnt work"


"make a script so that a part changes to rainbow colors"


"make a hint show how much time the player has left and slowly slow down the songs pitch named 'parte' depending on how much time is left make the timer 8 mins make the player die if time runs out"


"Create local script for the Player starter scripts when the player Presses G it will take the Particles Emitters and Attachments and add it to the player after 1 minute passes remove the Particle emitters ad attachments from the players character fire the remote ChakraFlow"


"make me a script that scripts a working fighter jet WITH instructions on how to set it up in the script"


"make a loading screen"


"Keep the current script, but addon to it by making it so the image has UIstroke on it, as well as changing the images background color to Red"


"serverscript on player added it will check if the player owns a gamepass if the player owns this gamepass they will be given the FatMan tool into their inventory for them to use permanently and it will not be removed on player death"


"Make me a basic data store that creates a folder to save the players data like coin value and rebirths value in the folder then loads it back in when they join the game"


"make a roblox script that activates a remote event in replicated storage by clicking F when holding a tool and make another script that prints You did it when remote event is activated"


"its gouge forwards and backwards and all sorts of directions"


"Make me an Anticheat for Speed and Flight That will check if the Player is using INF yield give himself flight and speed"


"make a small red part"


"i want an script where when they player clicks their screen or ms1 it hits the other player 10 studs away and it ragdolls them for an roblox game. for an tool for r6"


"Write me a script that makes the game time run like it does in the real world"


"make an blackhole wich every uncharoed block will be sucked by the blackhole"


"create a daily reward system that has a frame and has multiple button inside of it. instruction on how to set it up."


"create code for a global messages system that will use the roblox chat using textchatservice and pcall functions as well this will detect when the players leaderstats Emerald Value goes up by 250 to 3500 then send a global message with the players username and amount of emeralds they got"


"create a speed simulator"


"make it so if you say :leave in chat it leaves the game"


"punch system that does 10 damage, uses 2 animations, it can give 4 punches, 2 seconds cooldown, uses arm hitbox, only can punch if punch animation is false, cooldown reset in 2 second if you don't punch, uses left click"


"NPC spawner will spawn 3 random NPC in one spawner"


"make the parent part kill the player when they touch it if they are between Stage 106 and 209, don't kill the player if they have the carpet gamepass"


"Make a script where while a players mouse hovers over a certain TextButton, it shows a brief description next to the players mouse until they move their mouse off the TextButton. On the bottom of this script put in comments where I will put this script."


"create script so when executed it puts a hint that says Abusive Script Detected removing... for 5 secs then put another hint that says Failed to remove script, so the script has been moved to a secure location where it can affect anyone."