"a infinite runner"
"create an enemy spawner"
"damage player on collision"
"create a cube"
"create a decreasing health bar"
"spawn coin object on hit"
"damage weapon on shooting"
"Gun shooting with raycast, Fire rate, Shooting sound and animation with cooldown and doesn't play when reloading, Ammo management and Reloading with r key, sound plays when R is pressed, Shooting effect and impact effect that destroys itself."
"draw line by dragging mouse"
"Gun shooting with raycast, Fire rate, Multiple shooting sounds and animation with cooldown and doesn't play when reloading, Ammo management and Reloading with R key, Shooting effect and impact effect that destroys itself and Damage system."
"create UI Button on runtime"
"Gun shooting with hitscan, Fire rate, Shooting sound and animation with cooldown and doesn't play when reloading, Ammo management and Reloading with r key, sound plays when R is pressed, Shooting effect and impact effect that destroys itself."
"The user launches the app and is presented with a menu in which he can select which aviary to approach. When approaching an aviary, the user is shown information about what kind of aviary it is, how many animals live there, their sex and what sound t"
"can you make a wasd movement for unity and when i press shift the walkspeed will change and the camera pov will be more back"
"Spawn a prefab in parent position when Z key si pressed"
"object jump with space key"
"When all objects are destroyed, activate another script"
"move UI element on a curve using LeanTween"
"a script where you can add characters to a list through a public method which follow the player in a line with controlled distances from each other."
"Gun shooting with raycast, Fire rate, Shooting sound and animation with cooldown and doesn't play when reloading, Ammo management and Reloading with R key, Shooting effect and impact effect that destroys itself and Damage system."
"coin collect on trigger"
"move vehicle with Accelerometer or Gyroscope"
"Find Game Object With Tag"
"Convert to string"
"Separated Jetpack system with spacebar"
"A dialogue system with scriptable objects,a dynamic system with branching conversations,names and icons when talking,an interaction sustem so npcs can start conversations and a support for events for dialogue.also text affects like a sine wave"
"Music visualization"
"Make me a Walking/Running system with instructions on how to set up and use"
"change skybox in game play by light intensity"
"create an advanced score counter for players"
"reload scene"
"Interactable lever after pressing E add comments to code"
"animation controller"
"create a timer with a main text that branched into three different floor lantai1,lantai5 and lantai10. this timer script has and different name because i want to make its specific"
"create a real player map using SpriteRenderer"
"override Sprite"
"create uicontroller with visibility switch option"
"create an enemy spawner"
"follow enemy path"
"create a cube that you can move by holding it and if you not longer holding it, you place it where you no longer holded"
"hideflag object"
"When all objects are destroyed, activate an object"
"print hello"
"create a 2d gungeon generator"
"Load next level on Button click"
"For Unity 2D, create one script that would be a functional simple platformer including the player, terrain, obstacles, controls and simple particle effects for jumping and death. The player should not be able to double jump."
"create a health system engine"
"Create a cube and assign a material to it with a shader"
"play the audio on zoom out"
"infinite spawn anything"
"Restart button when the game is fail or completed"
"Create a random map generation system with multiple layers of perlin noise for a 2d unity game"
"send message to apply damage"
"create an enemy state machine"
"give hint to user on click"
"When certain objects are destroyed, activate an object"
"save file different scene"
"restart game"
"AI System with detection, smart navmesh and intuitive ai."
"generate map data for level based on BlockElement"
"distance to checkpoint"
"set color on tap"
"when 25 cubes with the tag Training get destroyed, object appears"
"Obtener el ángulo entre dos gameobjects ,con un gameobject vacÃo como pivote"
"Gun shooting with raycast, Fire rate, Shooting sound and animation with cooldown and doesn't play when reloading, Ammo management and Reloading with R key, Shooting effect and impact effect that destroys itself and Damage system."
"Unity2D. One script: draws and controls a player with WASD and creates the components it needs. Also draw a procedural endless platforming map. Creates particle effects for death and jump and plays them correctly. Creates hazards that kill. Color all"
"buy menu in game"
"Changing the cameras on mouse enter and exit"
"a infinite runner"
"Functional Working Character Controller with built in camera system that uses RigidBody. Footsteps system, Stamina system (With running), Jump, crouch and built in Grounding system."
"sound on button click"
"Control Player and set his Movement all about Player Body"
"create a movement script for a 3d cube called Player move right when you click d and left when you click a add comments"
"print hello world"
"spawn 2d game object in unity 3d"
"On trigger touch, start animation"
"write a function that draw a line from point A to B in a texture from a compute shader and add comments to code."
"pause game when button is clicked"
"rts unite movement script with collision detection"
"tap area of game"
"Script that get a json file with events list (title, type, date, location, interfering, description, price)"
"hide object with delay"
"fix the frame rate in game"
"set up the web camera in my online game"
"script that let's me play an animation with settrigger and makes sure nothing else happens until the animation is finished"
"Multiplayer network"
"Get nearest gameobject from the player with a tag called Hook, also it needs to be visible to the player. This on a 2D project"
"follow object with mouse cursor"
"change audio on walking and running"
"Hitscan weapon with Trail render Bullet Trail, Bullet Spawn Point using a transform, Bullet speed, Bullet Distance, Rate of fire, Multiple custom shooting sounds, Impact and Muzzle flash Particle support. Delete effect after wall hit or time."
"clear the area in the game"
"set alpha min threshold for image"
"start Coroutines"
"Functional Complex Character Controller with built in camera system that uses RigidBody. Footsteps system, Stamina system (With running), Jump, crouch, breathing system when sprinting, no stamina or stamina not in use and Grounding."
"create a movement script for a 2d cube"
"scale on mouse down"
"create a timer with a main text that branched into three different floor lantai1,lantai5 and lantai10. this timer script has and different name because i want to make its specific"
"create a third person player controller that can walk, sprint, jump and roll. make the movement relative the direction the camera is facing. make sure the character is facing forward when they walk. include a description of how to implement it"
"change the item when player collides"
"Create a 7 by 7 square with an empty center with a game object called "desk" that has two empty slots in the center at the bottom, and 4 more desks in the center. Each square is 1 unity unit by 1 unity unit"
"quit game on button click"
"Character controller with hollow knight like movement like wall jumping or dash"