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"make a pop corn item"
/* To create a popcorn item in Minecraft Forge, you need to create a new class that extends Item. Here, ScripterAI is creating a basic item with no special properties. */ public class PopcornItem extends Item { public PopcornItem(Properties properties) { super(properties); } } /* Then, you need to register your item. Here, ScripterAI is registering the popcorn item under the name "popcorn". */ public static final RegistryObject<Item> POPCORN = ITEMS.register("popcorn", () -> new PopcornItem(new Item.Properties().tab(ItemGroup.TAB_FOOD))); /* If you want to add any special properties to your popcorn item (such as making it edible), you can do so in the PopcornItem class. For example, to make the popcorn edible, you could add a food property. */ public class PopcornItem extends Item { public PopcornItem() { super(new Item.Properties().tab(ItemGroup.TAB_FOOD).food(new Food.Builder().nutrition(4).saturationMod(0.3F).build())); } }