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"Create a working grapling hook that has the texture of an arrow"
/* To create a working grappling hook with the texture of an arrow, you'll need to create a custom item class that extends the ArrowItem class and implement its functionality. */ // GrapplingHookItem.java public class GrapplingHookItem extends ArrowItem { public GrapplingHookItem(Properties properties) { super(properties); } @Override public AbstractArrowEntity createArrow(Level world, ItemStack stack, LivingEntity shooter) { GrapplingHookArrowEntity arrowEntity = new GrapplingHookArrowEntity(world, shooter); return arrowEntity; } } /* Next, create a custom arrow entity class that extends the AbstractArrowEntity class and implements the grappling hook functionality. */ // GrapplingHookArrowEntity.java public class GrapplingHookArrowEntity extends AbstractArrowEntity { public GrapplingHookArrowEntity(EntityType<? extends AbstractArrowEntity> type, Level world) { super(type, world); } public GrapplingHookArrowEntity(Level world, LivingEntity shooter) { super(EntityType.ARROW, shooter, world); } @Override protected void onHitEntity(EntityRayTraceResult result) { super.onHitEntity(result); // Implement grappling hook functionality here } @Override protected void onHitBlock(BlockRayTraceResult result) { super.onHitBlock(result); // Implement grappling hook functionality here } } /* Finally, register your custom item and entity in the appropriate registries, and make sure to use the arrow texture for your grappling hook item. */