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"how can i fix NullPointerException that is produced when summoning my entity"
-- To fix a NullPointerException when summoning your custom entity, ensure that you have registered your entity type properly and that you are using the correct entity type when summoning. Here's an example of how to register your entity and summon it correctly: // In your EntityInit class or a similar class public static final DeferredRegister<EntityType<?>> ENTITY_TYPES = DeferredRegister.create(ForgeRegistries.ENTITIES, YourMod.MOD_ID); public static final RegistryObject<EntityType<YourCustomEntity>> YOUR_CUSTOM_ENTITY = ENTITY_TYPES.register("your_custom_entity", () -> EntityType.Builder.of(YourCustomEntity::new, MobCategory.CREATURE) .sized(0.6F, 1.7F) .build(new ResourceLocation(YourMod.MOD_ID, "your_custom_entity").toString())); // In your summoning method, use the registered entity type to summon your custom entity YourCustomEntity yourCustomEntity = YOUR_CUSTOM_ENTITY.get().create(world); if (yourCustomEntity != null) { yourCustomEntity.moveTo(pos, 0, 0); world.addFreshEntity(yourCustomEntity); } else { -- If yourCustomEntity is still null after calling create, double-check your entity registration and initialization System.err.println("Failed to summon YourCustomEntity. Check your entity registration and initialization."); }